Happy last month of school!
- June was a month of field trips for our students! Some classess attended museums, hatfield farms, the movies, and/or went swimming....
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Phone: (902) 457-8940 Email: ddes@hrsb.ns.ca Twitter: Duc_dAnville22
Safe Arrival Toll Free Number: 1-833-582-6940
Safe Arrival Options: PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal
or SchoolMessenger App SAC email: hrce-sac-ddv@gnspes.ca
Happy last month of school!
Join us at the Grand Opening of the Fairview Farmers Market on June 6th. There will be free face painting and balloon animals for the little ones. Enjoy a little music as you browse the great...
Only 2 months left of school until summer vacation!
May is full of exciting events at our school with multiple classes attending field trips, including our grade 6s touring CPJH as they...
March is filled with important dates!
March break is from March 11th-15th this year, with the 18th being an assessment and evaluation day (no school for students). The...
During African Heritage Month, people in Canada celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians and their communities who, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada...
The final day of classes for students at Duc d'Anville Elementary will be Wednesday December 20th. Classes resume after the Christmas Break -...